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Our story

How to do work that responds to 21st century challenges and also meets the deep seated need for well-being?
In the Culture Squad we meet to answer this. We come from community theater, punk art, spoken poetry, game design, or cultural policy and participatory event making. An open team and global network, we act as a high speed mobile division which amplifies local grassroots initiatives into a bigger conversation on our Edgeryders platform.

Our favourite work so far was/is:

  • producing co-created community festivals
  • building a new generation of urban game designers who use play as a tool for social cohesion
  • training cities and organisations to build thriving communities using online/offline methodologies.

Connectivity and technology help us accelerate learning, share knowledge with each other and broadly, and generate meaningful work for our members.

Robert (Bob) Palmer

Team member 2 profile text. First line is profile picture. Lorem ipsum. Nunc haec periturus. Novas calcataque adfuit: aera numerem ipse; sacris ille, possunt arbuteos expresso nurus. Et caeli pressus cervice corpus robore coniugium brevis amplexa audentes? Mora Euboicas refero, senior Haemoniam narrat.

Alex Levene

Alex Levene [Alex%20Levene%20Bio%20picture%20square%20(1)] Alex Levene FRSA Alex is a poet, creative producer and artistic programmer from the UK. He works across performance and theatrical arts. An independent theatre producer specialising in artistic and business development for emerging performance artists in the UK, he manages the artist and community partnership program for a venue in Bedford, UK. As an artist he is drawn to the performance and development of ritual; within personal and …

Natalia Skoczylas

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Noemi Salantiu

Digital storyteller, expert online collaborator and a co-founder of Edgeryders. In the past eight years she has shaped Edgeryders into a sustainable community organisation where all projects actively involve members and focus on fulfilling their aspirations for personal and professional development. Most edgeryders community events have her print as a soft people organiser aka cat herding. She has worked for innovation in Culture, Development, Social & Civic activism, trying to infuse com…

Team site partners

Paragraphs and potentially logos describing partners.

Salutant quoque Aurora urbem. Me sarculaque et annos animalia aequor si neve procubuere custos manus educere.

Enim ubera dolor, derepta vate tellus columnae dilapsa, mox aer sonantibus et orbem; aere aestibus, colubriferi. Cohaeserat publica. Mihi vox annis Issen puerum aut valentes; et laudem, septem.